My first class involved making a decorative pillow. It took three Monday night classes to make. The funny thing is that my physician was in the class too. She could administer drugs as our blood pressure rose. A few weeks later I took a quilt in a day class. I made a Christmas quilt. It took me more than a day and I got some ribbing about that at home. I have finished the quilt top and am having it quilted by an expert. This lady will add the batting and backing fabric using all over stitching that helps lock the batting and keep the quilt from losing it's shape.
Then Mimi took a beginning sewing for teens class. The "Sewing for Kids I" class was full and you need Sewing I to continue with other classes. Even though she was not a teen the ladies let her take the class. Prior to the class she helped me make her a blouse so she got some experience with using the sewing machine.
Mimi had the same teacher that I had for Sewing I and they made the same kind of pillow. The teacher claimed that Mimi's group were much quicker learners than my class. When we finished the classes we had enough material to make a second pillow each. We got another chance to practice. I could not get my buttonholer to make buttonholes, so I called Mimi over and luckily she remembered a crucial step that I was missing. Then later I helped her finish her pillow. She just lacked the confidence to do it on her own.
Then I took a Sewing II class where we made pajama bottoms and Mimi took a Kids Can Sew II, making a pillowcase, coat hanger cover, and a stocking that will be for a soldiers overseas. In Mimi's last class the instructor has decided to try and offer a class for kids in the evening in the fall where they can make a peasant skirt. This because Mimi while waiting to be picked up was thumbing through the pattern books picking out outfits to make. She really wants to make the peasant skirt. We bought a pattern, but with school starting I'm not sure when we'll get it made. I'm going to start a Halloween quilt and we're back into dance performances with costume making an repairs.
The pillow making started Mimi off on the I want my room painted chant. That's another blog.